Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Snow finally arrived here

Sorry for being late getting this out but we got about 10" overnight and there is now snow all the way to the snow  park unlike the icy conditions I went out on yesterday.  Was nice making first tracks coming home earlier today and made the ride much easier on my body, lots of face shots & leg shots on the ride home, if this keeps up thee will have enough to finally start grooming just don't know when at this point.  Get out and enjoy this wonderful POW it does a body good.  Peace


HM8 said...

Well that's an improvement. Now if it will keep snowing and not melt it all off we might be able to start riding finally.

Gregg said...

We've had enough snow for that since Nov when it started snowing here, it got wet a couple of times but we never lost all of it so riding out here was plentiful, just the trip out could be a little rough ride, that isn't the case now, I came in Tues when we just got the first snow and the ride out was a great improvement from Monday when I went out and had Ice basically for the last 5.5 miles to garage.