These photos are the narrow bridge just north of the 2nd snow gate , just N of Atkinson Flats CG. Because of heavy rains in Jan this yr on top of fresh POW the water cut many new channels and several cut across the road and down the other side, this is almost 400 yds long
N->S and a real mess. These photos were taken 2 weeks ago and there was still snow under the dirt and mud. The owner's step son climbed the hill and diverted the water back into the creek just after these
We've contacted the FS road manager and were told it would be late June before anything would be done to repair, but they have no money and could possibly close the road for the season. I've been talking to some friends with equipment, or if I can get a Bobcat can at least make it passable but it will still be another couple of weeks before even the first gate will be opened because of the amount of snow still on the road N of Fenner CK the first CG after the pavement ends co currently both gates are
For all of you hiker's and campers who enjoy coming up this direction because o
f the great hiking and camping places might want to contact the Leavenworth office of Wenatchee Forest and tell them how important being able to access the areas past Atkinson Flats is to you, and ask when the road might be opened, their attitude is it's not accessed that often and might not be worth opening up...just a thought.
I'll keep this information coming to show progress or lack of it and whether or not you can get to your favorite spot in the mountains...
Happy Memorial Day Y'all Peace
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