Sunday, December 26, 2010

2" of Snow and a Groomed trail

Good morning after hope you all had a blessed day, it's 33 degrees and we got 2 " of new snow yesterday with the warmer temps snow is settling some and it's a little wetter but not bad at all. Last night they groomed all the way to the TH turnaround which will make it easier for sledders to get here after a tree came down night before blocking the road...So for those of you who want to try out their new presents today is a good day to give it a shot so get out and enjoy...Based on what I'm seeing here off trail is forming a base but these warmer temps are effecting it a little but still not punchy like it's been...Peace


Jeanne Rose Roxby said...

Thanks, Gregg, I imagine Lar will be glued to this site when he gets home from Crystal Springs! He's really looking forward to New Year's in Paradise...even if I have to stay down at the Lake w/the Pups!!

Gregg said...

No worries I'll keep it updated and since they groomed Sat night not sure when they will groom again, supposed to get colder this week but getting 15" of new might make it difficult for the dogs unless they groom once more before then...If it cools down enough and not much more snow arrives he might be able to get here but right now I would say it would be a very hard trip...I'll keep a look out and let you know what I know we almost have twice what they have down lower now...Peace